Mobile DJ’s and Social Media sites are they a good mesh?
Today with more and more people becoming more web savvy they seem to be tired of searching the web and browsing content more and more people are looking to make a connection on the internet be it to find friends, find a date, find a spouse or just find information social media sites have become gathering places for the general population to share thoughts ideas and ask questions. Even the least Internet savvy person has ventured to Face book, My space or My Yearbook and created an account. This opens a new market place to many in the mobile DJ industry allowing us to build relationships with potential clients in our region and beyond.
Face Book My Space and My Yearbook allow your current fans customers friends to follow you to those venues that allow the public to attend and to see pictures or hear stories of the events that were private or not open to the public. Social Media should be has much a part of a mobile DJ’s business as their music collection or equipment. These venues do not allow for a face-to-face interaction but do allow potential clients or future clients to have a better feel for you by the interaction you have with others or the messages you post or deliver.
I have also found social media a great venue to meet up and coming performers in my area and often times they provide samples of their music to me exclusively to play at some of my open to the public venues. This gives me an edge on my competition now I have the music everyone else wants and cant find.
Social media strategies for the mobile DJ depend on the DJ what works for me may not work for everyone. Remember if you choose this route what you say is now some where in cyber space forever and can not be taken back save the bickering with the competition for some other time what is posted on your site, blog’s or social media sites are viewed by someone somewhere do you want your customers to see you trash talking other services or do you want them to see that you are confident enough in your abilities to prove you are the right choice.
Much Respect
Another Badd Creation Mobile DJ Service
Local Mobilized DJ Entertainment Friendly, Affordable
Professional, Experienced, Guaranteed to Please
Our goal is to meet your entertainment expectations!
Serving Clay and Duval Counties From Heights, Middleburg, Greencove Springs, Starke, Waldo, Palatka, Gainesville, Melrose, and Jacksonville Florida
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